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Ask a question -> meet others with common interests." how do I meet others with common interests?

Ask a question -> meet others with common interests. " how do I meet others with common interests? I'm asked to "Ask a question -> get answers from real people -> meet others with common interests.

" how do I meet others? Asked by crchicago 68 months ago Similar Questions: question > meet common interests Recent Questions About: question > meet common interests Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: question > meet common interests Recent Questions About: question > meet common interests.

They may be implementing a discussion board shortly also Askville Email - Users will have an Askville Inbox where they can email each other within the community. These emails can only be read by the sender and the recipient. Users will be able to delete old email messages, report abuse and also block specific users from sending you emails.

Your personal email address is never shown to the recipient, either on the email or your profile page, and the only way to reply is by clicking on the reply link and sending the message through Askville. Please remember that posting your email address in your questions and answers are violations of community guidelines, so please communicate to each other through either the Public Comments or through Askville’s email features instead.

Browse by topic You can see the people who have asked and answered questions about topics that interest you. Should you feel so inclined, you can then send a message to one of those people.

I sent you a comment. It's easy. When you find someone you want to chat with, click on their name.

It will ask if you want to post a comment to them or send them a private message. I sent you a comment so you will see how it is posted in their account.

Meet others with common interests. " how do I meet others with common interests?

Com%2Fquestion--%253E-meet-common-interests%2FAnswerViewer. Do%3FrequestId%3D94185" onclick="window. Open('" Ask a question -> meet others with common interests.

" how do I meet others with common interests? Com%2Fquestion--%253E-meet-common-interests%2FAnswerViewer.

Do%3FrequestId%3D94185', 'newWindow', 'width=815, height=436'); return false.

" "Do you think Askville should allow a person asking a question to be able to "Delete" their question if they want to.

Do you think Askville should allow a person asking a question to be able to "Delete" their question if they want to.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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